The following are a few of the most common reasons why people around the globe learn English with grammar.

THE FUTURE OF ENGLISH AS A GLOBAL LANGUAGE - The number of English speakers around the world has been on the rise for many years, with the current number approaching 2 billion, according to some estimates. The fact that so many people now use English as either a first or second language indicates that English is likely to remain a globally dominant language for many years to come. This is the importance of English.

The English language gives students access to information and research. Since many of the top academic journals are published in English, students and academics need strong English reading and writing skills. Moreover, for a research study or other publication to get sufficient attention, it should be published in English.

More access to Science & Technology is in English. English speakers have more opportunities to learn and work with others and to share ideas and innovations.

When children are learning English in schools, parents who speak English are in a better position to help and even communicate with their children. In families who are living in an English-speaking country, the children often grow up speaking better English than their parents' language.

People who speak error free English have more job opportunities. Businesses need employees who can communicate fluently with English-speaking partners and clients without grammar mistakes in order to convey what have to be conveyed.

In addition, entrepreneurs can access a far wider range of customers online by using English. In India or other countries, people who can't speak English are at a real economic disadvantage.

Being able to speak English makes it easier to travel. Because English is spoken as a first or second language in so many different countries, it is always easy to find English speakers as well as printed information in English, especially at hotels and in areas frequented by tourists.

Introduction to Sentence, Subject, Predicate, Verbs, Nouns, Prepositions, Tenses.

Making simple sentences. More understanding on change of tenses. Speaking simple sentences without grammar mistake. Sentence formation using Present tense, Past tense, Future, Perfect Tense, Present / Past / Future / Perfect continuous.

Learn framing questions, question tags, Modal Verbs, Active Voice Passive Voice. Forming sentences using active voice and passive voice and its conversions. Direct and Indirect Speeches and its conversions.

Writing sentences & stories, letters, oral communications, dialogue writing, spoken practice in class room, work sheets, two way communications, Advanced grammar, correcting frequently happening errors in sentences.



Introduction to Sentence, Subject, Predicate, Verbs, Nouns, Prepositions, Tenses.

Duration: 3 Months



Making simple sentences. More understanding on change of tenses. Speaking simple sentences without grammar mistake. Sentence formation using Present tense, Past tense, Future, Perfect Tense, Present/Past/Future/Perfect continuous.

Duration: 3 Months



Learn framing questions, question tags, Modal Verbs, Active Voice Passive Voice. Forming sentences using active voice and passive voice and its conversions. Direct and Indirect Speeches and its conversions.

Duration: 3 Months



Writing sentences & stories, letters, oral communications, dialogue writing, spoken practice in class room, work sheets, two way communications, Advanced grammar, correcting frequently happening errors in sentences.

Duration: 3 Months
